
South Sudan: 128 Children Released from the Ranks of Armed Groups

Today, in Yambio, South Sudan, 128 children, including 38 girls and 90 boys, were released by two different armed groups – the South Sudan National Liberation Army and the SPLA – IO (Sudan People’s Liberation Army-In Opposition). This progress brought the total number released in 2018 to over 900. The release of the children from [...]

2021-07-08T10:32:49-04:00Tuesday, 7 August 2018|

Week-long Police Training Seeks to Boost Child Protection in South Sudan

A room full of friendly-looking and lively police officers is not something one comes across quite often. But this unusual scenario was playing out for a whole week in Juba, where police officers from ten bases of the UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) met for an important training exercise. “I’m learning how to [...]

2021-07-08T10:34:01-04:00Thursday, 26 July 2018|

Freed From War: The Road to Reintegration for Ex-Child Soldiers in Sudan

“Comprehensive and community-based reintegration programmes, including education, vocational training, and psycho-social support, help children to heal and grow so they can become productive members of their communities and contribute to peace and development” SRSG for Children and Armed Conflict Virginia Gamba In the welding class at a vocational training center supported by the Child Development Foundation (CDF) [...]

2018-11-29T13:42:24-05:00Tuesday, 22 May 2018|

Group of Friends of Children and Armed Conflict (CAAC) in Sudan

“We believe that the protection of the child is a very important agenda globally.  And this is something that we decided to advance also in Sudan.” Hans Henric Lundquist, Swedish Ambassador to Sudan and co-chair of the Group of friends of CAAC in Sudan Following the signature of an Action Plan in March 2016 between [...]

2018-11-08T14:12:08-05:00Thursday, 17 May 2018|

UN hails release of more than 200 child soldiers in South Sudan

Two hundred and seven child soldiers have been released by armed groups in South Sudan, part of a series of planned discharges that should see nearly 1,000 children return home over the coming months. The move, facilitated by the United Nations, follows the release of 300 children by armed groups in early February. “No child [...]

2021-07-08T10:54:47-04:00Thursday, 26 April 2018|

Hidden Victims: Sexual Violence Against Boys and Men in Conflict

“Sexual violence against boys and men in situations of armed conflict and displacement is a critical problem. It hasn’t been given the attention it deserves by the international community up to now, making this initiative even more important,” said the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict (SRSG-CAAC), Ms. Virginia Gamba in [...]

2021-07-08T10:58:43-04:00Tuesday, 19 December 2017|

Protecting Children in Armed Conflict: Voices from the field

Chief Child Protection Advisers (CPA) from Somalia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Afghanistan were gathered in New York on 19 September to brief Member States, Officials and Partners on the crucial transversal work done by CPAs in the field to better protect children living in areas affected by conflicts. The event Protecting Children [...]

2018-11-16T16:28:07-05:00Thursday, 21 September 2017|

Interview with First Chair of the Security Council Working Group

Interview with Jean-Marc de La Sablière, former Permanent Representative of France to the UN, and first Chair of the Security Council Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict “I am glad that [resolution] 1612 could provide the framework for the work being done today. When we negotiated 1612, there was a sense that achievements had [...]

2018-11-08T14:28:33-05:00Tuesday, 8 November 2016|
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