Sexual violence against children during conflict is one of the six grave violations identified and condemned by the UN Security Council . The six grave violations form the basis of the Council’s architecture to monitor, report and respond to abuses suffered by children in times of war. Ending and preventing these violations is also the focus of the Special Representative’s work and advocacy.
Sexual violence is increasingly a characteristic of conflict and is often perpetrated against girls and boys in a rule of law vacuum. In some instances sexual violence has been used as a tactic of war designed to humiliate a population or to force displacement.
Devastating consequences
Children who experience sexual violence suffer from long-term psychological trauma, health consequences including transmitted infections such as HIV/AIDS and early pregnancies. Their reintegration is even a greater challenge as communities often stigmatize girls who have been associated with armed groups and are suspected of having been raped.
Young mothers of babies born of rape often stay with the armed group because of the family ties and dependency that have evolved over time and to avoid social stigma in the communities at home. These girls and their children are particularly vulnerable to all forms of exploitation including prostitution and trafficking and need special protection.
Sexual violence and boys
Boys are also victims of sexual violence in conflict. For example, in Afghanistan the practice of Bacha Baazi (dancing boys), remains a widespread phenomenon. It is a form of sexual slavery and child prostitution in which boys are sold to wealthy or powerful men, including military and political leaders for entertainment and sexual activities.
Another aspect that tends to be underestimated is the trauma boys face as witnesses or perpetrators of sexual violence. They may be forced to commit rapes either directly by their commander or indirectly through peer pressure.
Prohibition under International Law
Rape and other forms of sexual violence against children are human rights violations, and may amount to grave breaches of international humanitarian law. If committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population, sexual violence can constitute war crimes and crimes against humanity under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.
Under Security Council resolution 1882 (2009), the Council designated sexual violence committed against children as a critical priority and called on parties to armed conflict to prepare and implement action plans to address the violation. Sexual violence is also a trigger for inclusion on the list of the Secretary-General of parties to conflict committing grave violations against children in armed conflict.
Read more:
Hidden Victims: Sexual Violence Against Boys and Men in Conflict
“Sexual violence against boys and men in situations of armed [...]
Mali: CMA Coalition Signs Action Plan to End and Prevent Recruitment and Use and Sexual Violence Against Children in Conflict
French version below New York – The Coordination des Mouvements [...]
Leila Zerrougui at Event to Mark 1st International day to End Sexual Violence in Conflict
Read Leila Zerrougui's remarks here [...]
First International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict
Statement by Ms. Leila Zerrougui, SRSG for Children and Armed [...]
Central African Republic: Statement attributable to Leila Zerrougui, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict
New York –I am outraged and profoundly saddened by the [...]
DR Congo: Statement by Leila Zerrougui on the Publication of Report on Recruitment of Girls by Armed Groups
The report “Invisible Survivors: Girls in Armed Groups in Democratic Republic [...]