Central african republic

Central African Republic: Protection of Children Deteriorated in Recent Months, Urgent to Act to Prevent Further Grave Violations 

The protection and well-being of children in the Central African Republic (CAR) has gravely deteriorated in recent months and particularly since the end of 2020 with a spike for most of the six grave violations, highlights the latest report on the country of the Secretary-General on children and armed conflict. The vulnerability of Central African [...]

2021-11-15T10:11:35-05:00Monday, 15 November 2021|

The Story of Zinah, Formerly Associated with an Armed Group in the Central African Republic

This story was produced by    When the conflict erupted in 2019 in Birao, Central African Republic, Zinah was 12 years old and lived with her mother. “I come from a poor family. My father died when I was young. We were four [at home] and my mother took care of us. It was very [...]

2021-03-16T06:59:35-04:00Monday, 8 March 2021|

CAR: UN Official Welcomes New Legislation Criminalizing Child Recruitment

Following an extensive period of consultations and advocacy from the United Nations, the National Assembly in the Central African Republic adopted recently the Child Protection Code which criminalizes the recruitment and use of children among other crimes. The Code was introduced by the Minister for the Promotion of Women, Family and Child Protection. The Special [...]

2020-03-17T10:57:00-04:00Tuesday, 17 March 2020|

New Action Plan to Protect Children Signed in the Central African Republic

Le français suit L’Unité pour la paix en Centrafrique (UPC) signed an Action Plan with the United Nations to end and prevent grave violations against children, a commitment welcomed by the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict, Ms. Virginia Gamba. This new Action Plan, the third to be signed by an [...]

2021-07-08T08:16:54-04:00Tuesday, 3 September 2019|

Central African Republic: Addressing Children’s Rights Essential to Fully Realize the Promise of the Peace Agreement

La version française suit Bangui, Central African Republic – Building a protected future for boys and girls and ensuring sustainable assistance to those directly affected by the conflict will be key to realize the promise of the peace agreement signed in February, said Virginia Gamba, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed [...]

2021-07-08T08:45:36-04:00Monday, 6 May 2019|

Central African Republic: Virginia Gamba Invites Armed Groups to Commit to Prevent Violations Against Children

Kaga Bandoro, Central African Republic - During a week-long visit to the Central African Republic, the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict, Virginia Gamba, visited Kaga-Bandoro for talks with leaders of armed groups. She invited them to join the ongoing efforts to ensure better prevention of serious violations of children's [...]

2019-05-09T15:02:56-04:00Friday, 3 May 2019|

Central African Republic: Launch of the campaign “ACT to protect children affected by conflict”

La version française suit Bangui, Central African Republic - A new child protection awareness campaign was launched today in Bangui during an event bringing together members of the Central African Government, representatives of the diplomatic corps, the United Nations system and non-governmental organizations. The campaign "ACT to protect children affected by conflict", initiated by the [...]

2019-05-09T17:08:54-04:00Thursday, 2 May 2019|

Central African Republic: Capacity Building to Address Serious Crimes Against Children

Original article by MINUSCA Sixteen Child Protection Officers and ten Child Protection Focal Points respectively from UNICEF, MINUSCA Child Protection Section and Human Rights Division participated in a workshop organized, from 9 to 13 April 2019 in Bangui, by MINUSCA and Justice Rapid Response (JRR), to strengthen monitoring, investigations and reporting on crimes against children. [...]

2019-05-15T14:14:57-04:00Wednesday, 1 May 2019|

Media Advisory: United Nations Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict Travels to the Central African Republic

La version française suit New York/Bangui – The Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict, Virginia Gamba, will travel to the Central African Republic from 30 April to 5 May. She will meet with members of the Government, the diplomatic community, UN partners and civil society to assess the impact of the conflict [...]

2019-04-29T13:58:52-04:00Monday, 29 April 2019|

Protecting Boys and Girls in Shrinking Humanitarian Space – UN Security Council Open Arria Meeting

Remarks by SRSG for Children and Armed Conflict, Ms. Virginia Gamba   Excellencies, colleagues, Allow me to warmly thank the co-sponsors of today’s event; Belgium, the Central African Republic, Cote d’Ivoire, Equatorial Guinea and France for organizing a session on such a timely topic. Thank you also to colleagues from MINUSCA and Geneva Call for [...]

2019-02-25T12:01:33-05:00Thursday, 21 February 2019|
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