child protection

Protection of Children: Construction of UNMISS-Supported Office Begins at Army Headquarters

Original story by Beatrice Mategwa for UNMISS Sand has been piled up. Gravel is on the ready. A water tank is full. Some building blocks have been stacked up to one side, while others are being laid orderly, one on top of the other and smoothened with plaster. A handful of builders are hard at work [...]

2019-04-30T16:47:52-04:00Tuesday, 30 April 2019|

Week-long Police Training Seeks to Boost Child Protection in South Sudan

A room full of friendly-looking and lively police officers is not something one comes across quite often. But this unusual scenario was playing out for a whole week in Juba, where police officers from ten bases of the UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) met for an important training exercise. “I’m learning how to [...]

2021-07-08T10:34:01-04:00Thursday, 26 July 2018|
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