
UN Children and Armed Conflict Office, UNESCO Sign Agreement to Strengthen Cooperation on Education for Children Living in Conflict Areas

International Day to Protect Education from Attack The Office of the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict and UNESCO signed a memorandum of understanding on joint cooperation in the protection and continuation of education in armed conflict today. The agreement, signed in the margins of the commemoration of the [...]

2022-09-09T09:24:13-04:00Friday, 9 September 2022|

Even During Conflict, Schools and Hospitals Must Remain Safe Havens – Statement by the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict 

“This year has already proven to be devastating for children’s education in situations where armed conflict is rife”, said the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict (CAAC), Virginia Gamba. In Ukraine, the United Nations has reported 155 attacks on school facilities and infrastructures occurring in government-controlled territory, non-government-controlled territory, and contested [...]

2022-05-13T11:44:32-04:00Friday, 13 May 2022|

Afghanistan: Right of Millions of Girls to Education Must be Respected

Joint statement by the Special Representatives of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict, Virginia Gamba and on Violence against Children, Dr Najat Maalla M’jid “Today is a dark day for millions of girls in Afghanistan, who have been told that they aren’t allowed to pursue their education and their dreams.” “This week was supposed [...]

2022-03-24T15:32:57-04:00Thursday, 24 March 2022|

Statement by SRSG CAAC Virginia Gamba at Security Council Arria formula meeting:  Protection of Education in Conflict

Please check against delivery Your Royal Highness, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen It is an honour to take part in this meeting to recommit to the protection of schools, teachers and students in times of conflict. This event is timely, as it follows the adoption of Security Council resolution 2601 on the protection of education in [...]

2021-12-08T14:17:47-05:00Wednesday, 8 December 2021|

High Level Virtual Event to Commemorate the International Day to Protect Education from Attack: Remarks by H.E. Ms. Virginia Gamba, SRSG for Children and Armed Conflict

Please check against delivery   Remarks by H.E. Ms. Virginia Gamba, Special Representative of the Secretary General for Children and Armed Conflict  HIGH LEVEL VIRTUAL EVENT TO COMMEMORATE THE INTERNATIONAL DAY TO PROTECT EDUCATION FROM ATTACK 9 SEPTEMBER 2020 Question 1: “Your Excellency, As the United Nations Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict, what [...]

2021-03-17T06:18:42-04:00Wednesday, 9 September 2020|

Urgent to Protect Schools from Military Use During the COVID-19 Pandemic – SRSG for Children and Armed Conflict

Ensuring the protection of schools and education as the world addresses the COVID-19 pandemic is of utmost importance reminds the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict, Virginia Gamba. Reaffirming the calls for a global ceasefire made by the Security Council (SCR 2532) on 1 July and by the Secretary-General on 23 [...]

2021-03-17T06:37:37-04:00Thursday, 16 July 2020|

Strengthening the Protection of Education during Armed Conflict – December 2015

Strengthening the Protection of Education during Armed Conflict Remarks by Leila Zerrougui, delivered on Monday December 14, 2015 at the Palais des Nations, Geneva Please check against delivery Excellencies, dear colleagues, Let me first thank the Permanent Missions of Norway and Argentina for holding this event, as well as all the sponsors who contributed to [...]

2021-07-12T12:31:04-04:00Tuesday, 15 December 2015|

Statement of Leila Zerrougui delivered at “Side-Event” of Human Rights Council: Protecting Education from Attack

Palais de Nations - Geneva, Switzerland A side-event to the Human Rights Council 29th session   The full spectrum of parties-to-conflict puts schools and universities to use for a multitude of self-serving purposes, including as barracks, or training grounds – even as weapons stores or defensive positions. While some claim there is a military logic [...]

2021-08-24T08:10:50-04:00Wednesday, 24 June 2015|
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