
Protecting  Children in Armed Conflict Essential to Sustainable Peace, Must Remain a Priority as the Mandate Turns 25

Annual Report of the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict to the General Assembly As the mandate on children and armed conflict marks its 25th anniversary, it is more urgent than ever to put the protection of conflict-affected children at the heart of the international agenda and, in particular, the [...]

2021-08-23T09:48:50-04:00Monday, 23 August 2021|

Afghanistan: Alarming Scale of Grave Violations Against Children as Current Security Situation Collapses, Country Facing the Unknown

Fifth Report of the Secretary-General on Children and Armed Conflict in Afghanistan The fifth report of the UN Secretary-General on Children and Armed Conflict in Afghanistan is being released against a backdrop of the collapsing security and political situation in Afghanistan in which hundreds of children have been killed or maimed in recent weeks and [...]

2021-08-16T12:05:13-04:00Monday, 16 August 2021|

South Sudan: Grave Violations Against Children Declined Following Revitalized Peace Agreement and UN Engagement with Parties, But More Remains to Be Done

Third Report of the Secretary-General on Children and Armed Conflict in South Sudan New York, 11 January 2021 – Encouraging signs of progress are reflected in the third report of the Secretary-General on Children and Armed Conflict in South Sudan released today. Covering a period of nearly two years (July 2018 – June 2020), the report [...]

2022-04-21T14:46:46-04:00Monday, 11 January 2021|

Ceasefires Present Opportunities to Better Protect Children in Armed Conflict

The Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict (CAAC), Virginia Gamba, welcomed the effective implementation of ceasefires by parties to conflict following the global call for peace made by the UN Secretary-General on 23 March 2020, in which he emphasized the need “to put armed conflict on lockdown and focus together on [...]

2020-04-13T16:40:14-04:00Monday, 13 April 2020|

Afghanistan: UN Official Calls to Include Children’s Rights, Needs in Peace Process

The Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict (SRSG-CAAC) welcomes the resolution on the peace process adopted by the Security Council on 10 March 2020 (SCR 2513) and calls for the inclusion of child protection and the specific needs and rights of children in the intra-Afghan negotiations throughout the peace process, a [...]

2020-04-09T10:08:26-04:00Monday, 16 March 2020|

Statement of SRSG Virginia Gamba at high-level event to launch the Practical guidance for mediators

Please check against delivery Your Excellency Mr. Philippe Goffin, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Defence of the Kingdom of Belgium, Your Excellency Ambassador Magnus Lennartsson, Chargé d’affaires a.i., Sweden, Distinguished members of the panel, Excellencies, ladies in gentlemen, I am delighted to be here today to present and launch the “Practical guidance for mediators to [...]

2020-02-17T16:49:20-05:00Friday, 14 February 2020|

High level event – Launch of the Practical guidance for mediators to protect children in situations of armed conflict

The Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict and the Permanent Missions of Belgium and Sweden to the United Nations, have the honor to invite you to a High-level event to launch the “Practical guidance for mediators to protect children in situations of armed conflict” This event will take place on the [...]

2021-03-17T07:12:55-04:00Tuesday, 4 February 2020|

Inclusion of Child Protection Issues in Peace Negotiation Discussed in Brussels

Brussels/New York – The importance of including the protection of children into peace negotiation and mediation efforts is at the heart of a high-level consultation with renowned diplomats and senior officials in Brussels this week. The consultation is conducted in collaboration with the European Institute of Peace and through the generous support of the Government [...]

2021-07-08T08:13:20-04:00Friday, 18 October 2019|

Central African Republic: Addressing Children’s Rights Essential to Fully Realize the Promise of the Peace Agreement

La version française suit Bangui, Central African Republic – Building a protected future for boys and girls and ensuring sustainable assistance to those directly affected by the conflict will be key to realize the promise of the peace agreement signed in February, said Virginia Gamba, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed [...]

2021-07-08T08:45:36-04:00Monday, 6 May 2019|
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