third committee

Statement by Ms. Virginia Gamba to the Third Committee of the General Assembly

PLEASE CHECK AGAINST DELIVERY Statement by Ms. Virginia Gamba, SRSG-CAAC Third Committee of the General Assembly Discussion of the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Children 8 October 2018 Mr. Chair, Distinguished Delegates, Ladies and gentlemen, I am honoured to once more address the Third Committee under the agenda item “Promotion and protection of [...]

2021-07-08T08:15:35-04:00Tuesday, 8 October 2019|

9 October 2018 – Presentation of Annual Report to the UN General Assembly’s Third Committee

Statement by Ms. Virginia Gamba, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict Third Committee of the General Assembly Discussion of the Promotion and protection of the rights of children (item 70 (a)) 9 October 2018 Mr. Chair, Distinguished delegates, Dear colleagues, Ladies and gentlemen, I am very happy to be here today [...]

2021-07-08T08:59:56-04:00Tuesday, 9 October 2018|
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