Grave Violations
children (58 boys, 0 girls)
(633 killed – 1,723 maimed; 1,506 boys – 797 girls – 53 sex unknown)
children (7 boys, 1 girl)
(54 schools, 63 hospitals)
children (40 boys, 2 girls)
verified incidents
*The information below is based on the Report of the Secretary-General on children and armed conflict (A/76/871-S/2022/493) issued on 11 July 2022. Violations that occurred in previous years but were verified in 2021 have been included in the totals above.
Developments & Concerns
- The impact of the ongoing economic and humanitarian crisis in terms of exacerbating grave violations against children, such as the recruitment and use of children.
- Persistent high number of children killed and maimed, including by landmines, improvised explosive devices and explosive remnants of war, and by the high number of attacks on schools and hospitals.
To the Taliban:
- To adopt concrete measures and sign an action plan to end and prevent violations against children, including the recruitment and use of children.
- To invest in mine clearance and education, as well as the immediate reopening of schools for children in the sixth grade and above, including for all girls.
- To release children from detention and respect international juvenile justice standards.
- To define a child as every human being below the age of 18 years, and to respect the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict.